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Community Service | Children | Philanthropy

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Mailing Address
PO Box 1204
Santa Rosa, Calif 95402


Get to Know Us at our Weekly
In-Person Meetings or attend by Zoom.

Locations and times vary

(See schedule below)

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Students at Luther Burbank Elementary excited to read and share their new Reading is Fundamental Books sponsored by Kiwanis of Santa Rosa
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Thursday, Feb 6th, 12:00 Noon

Mary’s Pizza Shack, 3084 Marlow Rd., S.R.

Presentation: Youth Protection & Safety

Presenter:  Bob Isaacs, Trustee


Thursday, Feb 13th, 5:30 pm

Board Meeting

Zoom (Request Link to Attend)


Thursday, Feb 20th , 12:00 Noon

Mary’s Pizza Shack, 3084 Marlow Rd., S.R.

Presentation:  Symphony and the Arts- Presenter: Keven Brown, Chairman, Symphony of Santa Rosa


Thursday, Feb 27th, 5:30 PM

Mary’s Pizza Shack, 3084 Marlow Rd., S.R.

Reports from CHN Conference Attendees

(Impacts on club)




































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The Kiwanis Club of Santa Rosa collected donations for an annual bell-ringing event supporting the Salvation Army at the Safeway Store on Mendocino Ave.


Reading, Literacy and Dictionaries

Music Education Support

All Star Sports

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Club Secretary Doug Braik delivers this years 48 dictionaries to the 3rd grade classes at Steele Lane Elementary School purchased by the Club in a joint program with Rotary.

We also sponsor the Reading is Fundamental program where the Club purchases several books for each student to own.

  Santa Rosa Kiwanis is pleased to be able to provide financial assistance and scholarships through the Santa Rosa Symphony for financially disadvantaged students who wish to learn to play an instrument at the Summer Music Academy.

For years, our club has sponsored All Star games for graduating seniors in soccer, baseball and softball.  

This year's All Star Soccer game was a fun, event for all the top high school players in the Sonoma County region and beyond.  See our page for details


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